Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Find Out if Modifiers TC, 26 Can Occur on 2 Dates

Question: A patient underwent a diagnostic test on day one, but the cardiologist didn't perform the interpretation until day two. Should I report this with two different dates or just one?

California Subscriber

You can bill the technical component and professional components of diagnostic procedure codes for separate dates of service.

Watch out: The date of interpretation (professional component) must match what the cardiologist documents on the medical records for the patient.

Remember: Do not claim an interpretation and report for a single diagnostic test for two dates of service. You should apply the interpretation and report portion of the diagnostic test to the actual date of service.

For example, if a cardiologist performs an echocardiogram on Monday but does not interpret the test until Tuesday, the actual date of the professional component is a day later than the day of the technical component. So you should report 93307-TC (Echocardiography, transthoracic, real-time with image documentation [2D] with or without M-mode recording; complete; technical component) on Monday and 99307-26 (... professional component) on Tuesday.

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