Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Question :

Try 022xT for Acoustic Cardiography

Question: I heard there were new Category III codes for cardiography going into effect in July. Where can I find these?

Rhode Island Subscriber

Answer: The AMA Web site offers a listing of these soon to be implemented Category III codes for acoustic cardiography:

The AMA released the codes Jan. 1, but the implementation date is July 1. The AMA plans to publish these codes in the 2011 CPT manual:

0223T -- Acoustic cardiography, including automated analysis of combined acoustic and electrical intervals; single, with interpretation and report

0224T -- ...multiple, including serial trended analysis and limited reprogramming of device parameter

-- AV or VV delays only, with interpretation and report

0225T -- ...multiple, including serial trended analysis and limited reprogramming of device parameter

- AV and VV delays, with interpretation and report

Acoustic cardiography integrates heart sounds and ECG input to measure hemodynamic function (blood circulation) using a device such as AUDICOR by Inovise. Or as notes with the codes state, 0223T-0225T "describe the evaluation and optimization of physiologic data including systolic and diastolic heart sounds and their temporal relationships to the electrocardiogram (ECG)."

Pacing device note: "Codes 0224T and 0225T also include interrogation and limited reprogramming of a cardiac pacing device," the notes state. This is "to ensure hemodynamic optimization (heart rate parameter and/or automated timing modes, including explicit changes of AV/VV intervals) and facilitate device parameter optimization."

You should not report 0224T or 0225T together with 93288 or 93289 (Interrogation device evaluation [in person] with physician analysis, review and report, includes connection, recording and disconnection per patient encounter ...). And for complete programming "as a separate procedure, see 93280, 93281, 93283, and 93284 [Programming device evaluation (in person) with iterative adjustment of the implantable device to test the function of the device and select optimal permanent programmed values with physician analysis, review and report ...]."

Finally, because "acoustic cardiography services nclude a rhythm strip ECG," you should not report 93040- 93042 (Rhythm ECG, 1-3 leads ...) with 0223T-0225T, notes with the codes instruct.

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