Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Report 92960 for Cardioversion

Question: My provider prepped, anesthetized, and laid the patient in the supine position with their chest exposed. My provider then attached cardioversion pads onto the patient’s chest after noting down the baseline cardiac output rates. My provider connected these pads to an external defibrillator, which monitored the patient’s heart rhythm and also delivered the electrical shock. The electric shock brought the patient’s heart rate and rhythm back to normal. Which code should I report for this procedure?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: You should report 92960 (Cardioversion, elective, electrical conversion of arrhythmia; external) for this procedure.

Cardioversion defined: Cardioversion is the conversion of one cardiac rhythm to another or electrical pattern, usually an abnormal one to normal.

Don’t miss: If your cardiologist performed an internal cardioversion using drugs, you would report 92961 (Cardioversion, elective, electrical conversion of arrhythmia; internal (separate procedure)) instead.