Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Never Report Add-On Code Without Correct Primary Code

Question: I’m getting a lot of denials for claims with +93571 with the explanation that the primary procedure must be billed. Can you help me?

Wisconsin Subscriber

Answer: Code +93571 (Intravascular Doppler velocity and/or pressure derived coronary flow reserve measurement (coronary vessel or graft) during coronary angiography including pharmacologically induced stress; initial vessel (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) is an add-on code, so you must report it along with the appropriate primary code. You cannot report an add-on code alone on your claims or they will be denied.

You can report +93571 in conjunction with 92920, 92924, 92928, 92933, 92937, 92941, 92943, 92975, 93454-93461, 93563, and 93564, according to CPT®. You should never report +93571 in conjunction with 0523T. However, there will be times, rarely, when a provider will perform FFR or iFR as a stand-alone procedure. When this is done, code 93799 (Unlisted cardiovascular service or procedure) would be reported.