Home Health ICD-9/ICD-10 Alert

Reader Questions:

Look to Late Effects for CVA

Question: Our patient had a cerebrovascular accident with right-sided hemiparesis. He has right-side weakness (he is right-sided dominant), aphasia, and has experienced frequent falls. We are providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. How should I code for him?

-- Kentucky Subscriber

Answer: Code for CVAs with late-effect codes. In your patient's case, list:

M0230a: 438.21 (Late effects of cerebrovascular disease; hemiplegia affecting dominant side);

M0240b: 438.11 (Late effects of cerebrovascular disease; aphasia); and

M0240c: V15.88 (History of fall).

Don't code the weakness separately because it's integral to the hemiparesis/hemiplegia.

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Home Health ICD-9/ICD-10 Alert

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