MDS Alert

Coding Quizzer:

Brush Up On M0140 With These Scenarios

Check your answers on page 142.

Scenario 1: Mr. Hamilton was readmitted to the facility after surgery to excise and close his myocuteaneous sacral pressure ulcer. How would you code M0104E (Surgical Wound)?

Scenario 2: Ms. Mulligan was admitted to your facility to recover from second-degree burns she suffered during a house fire. How would you code M0140F (Burns)?

Scenario 3: Mr. Burr is incontinent, and frontline staff has noticed and documented a "large, red and excoriated area on his buttocks and interior thighs with serous exudate which is starting to cause skin glistening." How would you code M0140H (Moisture Associated Skin Damage)?

Scenario 4: Mrs. Seabury complained that her right foot hurt, especially her big toe. The pain increased when staff assisted her in putting on or removing her stockings and shoes. Frontline staff noticed that the big toe was red and swollen, and the nail excreted pus. Your facility's consulting podiatrist diagnoses an infected ingrown toenail. How would you code M1040 (Other Ulcers, Wounds and Skin Problems, Foot Problems)?

Source: Scenarios based on RAI Manual examples.