MDS Alert

What Do These 3 Error Codes Really Mean?

Make sure you complete Section X first before fixing data.

Getting error messages is never fun when you’re submitting or modifying MDS records in the Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (QIES) Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) System. But you can fix these errors quickly and easily with some sage advice. Here’s how to understand — and clear up — three especially tricky error messages.
How to Fix Error -3745 ‘No Match Found’
Message: This modification/inactivation record does not match a previously accepted record in the QIES ASAP System. One or more of the items submitted in Section X of this record did not match the corresponding items of an existing record in the database.
Why? “The first possible reason for this error is that the original MDS record was rejected, or not yet submitted, and a correction for that MDS was submitted,” explained the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS).
Fix: To correct this error, follow these steps:
  • Delete the correction;
  • Edit the original MDS;
  • Ensure that the original MDS has the correct data; and
  • Submit it as if for the first time.
Why? The second possible reason for this error is that the system accepted the original MDS record, and then the MDS record was fixed before a correction was completed, DADS noted.
Fix: To correct this problem, take the following steps:
  • Delete the correction;
  • Change the MDS data back to the old incorrect data;
  • Complete a new correction; and then
  • Fix the data in the MDS.
Always complete the correction first (Section X) before fixing data in the MDS assessment, DADS advised.
Remedy Error Code -3783 ‘Inconsistent X0800 Value’
Message: The submitted modification value submitted in X0800 is not incremented by one (1) from the previously submitted modification value for this record.
Cause: The system assigns an incremental number starting with 1 to each correction to an individual MDS record, DADS explained. “Your first correction for a particular MDS record will have X0800=1, and the second correction of the same MDS record will have X0800=2.” You can get error code -3783 if you submit a second correction after the system rejects the first correction or after the first correction was submitted improperly.
Solution: Check the validation reports to determine whether CMS has accepted the first correction — if not, do not send another correction with X0800=2, DADS warned. Instead:
  • Delete the second correction;
  • Edit the first correction (X0800=1) with the correct information; and
  • Resubmit it.
If the issue explained above is not the problem:
  • Edit the existing rejected correction;
  • Change X0800 to the appropriate number; and
  • Resend the correction as if for the first time.
“Do NOT start another correction until all previous corrections have been accepted,” DADS stressed.
What to Do for Error -1007 ‘Duplicate Assessment’
Message: The submitted record is a duplicate of a previously submitted record.
Problem: In some cases, you may have the same assessment submitted and accepted more than once, so check your validation reports, DADS said. Or, you might receive this error after correcting an MDS record that you submitted and the system accepted — in this case, you likely edited the MDS instead of modifying it.
Correction: To fix this issue:
  • Edit the MDS;
  • Change the data back to the original incorrect data;
  • Modify the MDS.
Remember: Contact your software vendor if you need help with any of these error codes or solutions.