Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Decide Whether the Delivery Is Complicated or Normal

Question: I am looking for some ICD-9 codes for a patient who delivers in a car, home, or on a stretcher enroute to a hospital’s labor and delivery (L&D). What should I report? 

Alabama Subscriber

Answer: There are none.  A delivery is a delivery. What you have to look for is whether the delivery was complicated or normal. 

If she did not make it to L&D, this might have been precipitate labor (661.3), which means the delivery occurs after an unusually rapid labor (less than three hours) and ends in the rapid, spontaneous expulsion of the infant. This usually occurs without any surgical prep for delivery. 

ICD-10: The ICD-10 code is a direct conversion to O63.2 (Precipitate labor). Note that this is only a 4 digit code.

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