Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Process This Prescription Scenario

Question: If a woman is seen for her annual exam and is given Valtrex for herpes but has no outbreak at the time, would the correct diagnosis be V12.09? Thank you for your assistance.

Alabama Subscriber

Answer: You should report V68.1 (Issue of repeat prescriptions) if this a repeat prescription the patient already had.ICD-10: You will have a similar ICD-10 code, which is Z76.0 (Encounter for issue of repeat prescription).

You can also report V12.09 (Personal history of other specified infectious and parasitic disease), but since the renewal would still be part of the routine annual you should not be billing a problem E/M service for doing so.ICD-10: When your diagnosis coding system changes, you’ll report Z86.19 (Personal history of other infectious and parasitic diseases). 

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