Orthopedic Coding Alert

READER QUESTION ~ Modifier 51 Indicates 2 Tendons

Question: Our surgeon performed a tenolysis on the peroneus brevis and longus tendons of the right hindfoot, both through the same incision. Should I report 27680 twice, or should I just report 27681?

Missouri Subscriber

Answer: You should report 27680 (Tenolysis, flexor or extensor tendon, leg and/or ankle; single, each tendon) on the first line item, and 27680-51 (Multiple procedures) on the second line item. Because 27680 is a -per tendon- code, you can report it twice to indicate that the surgeon addressed two tendons.

Because 27681 (- multiple tendons [through separate incisions]) refers to separate incisions, you cannot report this code for your surgeon's work.

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