Podiatry Coding & Billing Alert

Coding Quiz:

Test Your Bunion and Bunionette Coding Knowledge

Take this quiz to see if you need a refresher on bunion codes.

In your podiatry office, you may encounter patients who suffer from bunions, a very painful and common condition. There are several CPT® and ICD-10 options for coding bunions, bunionettes, and their treatment options. How well do you know these codes?

Question 1: What is the difference between a bunion and a bunionette?

Question 2: Your podiatrist documented that the patient has a bunion on her left foot. Which ICD-10 code should you report for this condition?

Question 3: Your podiatrist performs a bunionectomy to remove the patient’s bunion. Which code would you use for a bunionectomy, and what must be documented when using the code?

Think you know the answers? Click here to know the Answers.