Practice Management Alert

Reader Question:

Cell Phone Begs Conversation on Office Usage

Question: Hello, I have a question about different generational expectations amongst colleagues. Our practice hired a receptionist who works hard, accomplishes all of her tasks, treats patients and co-workers with respect and dignity, and does everything in her job description. The only issue is that she's often on her phone. She's not holding loud conversations or anything like that while on the clock, but she frequently seems more focused on her personal phone than the office. I'm a little frustrated but don't know how to address it; she's a great employee otherwise.

Texas Subscriber

Answer: Does your practice have any policies about personal cell phone use? If not, that's an easy place to start.

Co-workers in other roles may not have as much time or space to have their phones out, but it's important to enforce expectations and rules consistently throughout your workforce and office.

You mention that she's not slacking on any of her work or tasks or being rude to patients, but it sounds like she's maybe so efficient at her job that she has extra time. If the frustration is with the phone and only the phone, you can suggest that she bring a book or a magazine or take up knitting. But, honestly, your receptionist discreetly reading something on her phone is probably less obvious to patients than a desk full of yarn, even if knitting does seem more wholesome and less millennial.