Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Report POS Code 15 for Mobile Radiology Services

Question: We’ve got a patient that received a computed tomography (CT) scan from a mobile stroke unit. Should I list the place of service (POS) code as the location where the provider read the scan?

Virginia Subscriber

Answer: You should refer back to the article titled Consider This Set of Lesser Known MCPM Radiology Guidelines which makes reference to the following guideline in the Medicare Claims Processing Manual:

  • “The appropriate POS code for the interpre­tation (or PC) is the setting where the beneficiary received the TC service. If the interpretation is performed in the physician’s office and the patient received the TC service in the provider-based outpatient hospital setting, the physician assigns POS code 22, for On Campus-Outpatient Hospital, or POS 19, for Off Campus-Outpatient Hospital, on the claim for the interpretation or PC.”

You will not be reporting this service from the location the provider interpreted the stroke mobile unit CT scan. Rather, you’ll find the POS code that most accurately represents where radiology technician or physician rendered the service. In this case, you will report POS code 15 (Mobile Unit).