

  • Oklahoma State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit: 2014 Onsite Review
  • Opportunities for Program Improvements Related to States Withdrawals of Federal Medicaid Funds
  • Hospices Inappropriately Billed Medicare Over $250 Million for General Inpatient Care
  • Group Health Incorporated Claimed Unallowable Medicare Pension Costs for Plan Years 2007 and 2008
  • California Improperly Claimed Enhanced Federal Reimbursement for Selected Claim Lines for Medicaid Family Planning Drugs and Supplies in Los Angeles and Orange Countiesq
  • Some Florida Childcare Centers Did Not Always Comply With State Health and Safety Licensing Requirements
  • Some Florida Family Childcare Homes Did Not Always Comply With State Health and Safety Requirements
  • Link2Health Solutions, Inc., Budgeted Costs That Were Not Appropriate and Claimed Some Unallowable Hurricane Sandy Disaster Relief Act Funds
  • Wisconsin Physicians Services Payments to Providers for Hospital Outpatient Dental Services in Jurisdiction 5 and Jurisdiction 8 Generally Did Not Comply With Medicare Requirements
  • Missouri Claimed Unallowable Medicaid Payments for Individualized Supported Living Habilitation Services
  • A Texas Physical Therapist Claimed Unallowable Medicare Part B Reimbursement for Outpatient Therapy Services
  • Expenses Incurred by the Rocky Boy Health Board Were Not Always Allowable or Adequately Supported
  • The Medicare Contractors for Jurisdiction E Overpaid Claims for Replaced Cardiac Medical Devices When Hospitals Had Not Reported Manufacturer Credits
  • Advisory Opinion 16-03
  • Oregon Properly Verified Correction of Deficiencies Identified During Surveys of Nursing Homes Participating in Medicare and Medicaid
  • Medicare Compliance Review of Billings Clinic Hospital for 2012 and 2013
  • Not All of the Vermont Marketplaces Internal Controls Were Effective in Ensuring That Individuals Were Enrolled in Qualified Health Plans According to Federal Requirements
  • Medicare Compliance Review of Freeman Hospital for 2011 and 2012
  • Maryland Claimed Unallowable Costs for Medicaid Communicable Disease Care Services
  • Review of the Department of Health and Human Services Compliance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 for Fiscal Year 2015
Showing 1201 to 1220 of 2202 results
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