MIPS Measures HCPCS Code range G0028-G0067

The HCPCS codes range MIPS Measures G0028-G0067 is a standardized code set necessary for Medicare and other health insurance providers to provide healthcare claims.

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HCPCS Code Range G0028-G0067

G0028-G0067 MIPS Measures
Tobacco screening not performed or tobacco cessation intervention not provided during the measurement period or in the six months prior to the measurement period
Patient screened for tobacco use and received tobacco cessation intervention during the measurement period or in the six months prior to the measurement period (counseling, pharmacotherapy, or both), if identified as a tobacco user
Palliative care services given to patient any time during the measurement period
Two or more antipsychotic prescriptions ordered for patients who had a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder on or between january 1 of the year prior to the measurement period and the index prescription start date (ipsd) for antipsychotics
Two or more benzodiazepine prescriptions ordered for patients who had a diagnosis of seizure disorders, rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, benzodiazepine withdrawal, ethanol withdrawal, or severe generalized anxiety disorder on or between january 1 of the year prior to the measurement period and the ipsd for benzodiazepines
Patients receiving palliative care during the measurement period
Patient has any emergency department encounter during the performance period with place of service indicator 23
Patient or care partner decline assessment
On date of encounter, patient is not able to participate in assessment or screening, including non-verbal patients, delirious, severely aphasic, severely developmentally delayed, severe visual or hearing impairment and for those patients, no knowledgeable informant available
Clinician determines patient does not require referral
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