Wiki Provider Credential Validation by OMIG


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Last week, we had an unannounced visit from Medicaid NY (OMIG), and they said they were doing the credential validation visit.
They asked all the management staff and provider's info and how the office runs. The visit lasted about 30min and went smoothly. They also took pictures of the office.
Today, they sent us an email to submit a driver's license for the entire staff and provider in the promises.
Is this a standard request from Medicaid or OMIG?
I've never experienced this. Please share if anyone has had an experience.
Last week, we had an unannounced visit from Medicaid NY (OMIG), and they said they were doing the credential validation visit.
They asked all the management staff and provider's info and how the office runs. The visit lasted about 30min and went smoothly. They also took pictures of the office.
Today, they sent us an email to submit a driver's license for the entire staff and provider in the promises.
Is this a standard request from Medicaid or OMIG?
I've never experienced this. Please share if anyone has had an experience.

According to the NY Department of Health website, the New York Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) investigates suspected fraud.

Is this a standard routine request from NY Medicaid? Unlikely.

An unannounced site visit followed by requests for identification of staff and providers would have me thinking something was up.
According to the NY Department of Health website, the New York Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) investigates suspected fraud.

Is this a standard routine request from NY Medicaid? Unlikely.

An unannounced site visit followed by requests for identification of staff and providers would have me thinking something was up.
Yes. I think it's too much of personal information. I'm not responding to the email until I verify. Thank you for sharing your thought.
Someone mentioned that OMIG can ask whatever they want. They may want to check to see whether any employees have committed Medicaid fraud.
Someone mentioned that OMIG can ask whatever they want. They may want to check to see whether any employees have committed Medicaid fraud.

They are definitely investigating suspected fraud/abuse.

That’s the sole purpose of the NY OMIG - to investigate fraud, waste, and abuse in the state’s Medicaid program. (See the websites I posted above where it explains the OMIG’s function.)

If they showed up unannounced, they’re almost certainly investigating a suspicion or allegation.

Good luck to you. I’d consider getting my resume together to protect myself, in case the investigation ends badly for your employer.

(Hopefully that’s not the case and your office is cleared of any suspicion. It couldn’t hurt for you have an updated resume ready though just in case.)