Wiki cpt CODE 28288


True Blue
Fontana, CA
Best answers
New to this, not looking for the the answer, just if I'm in the right direction. Also is the removal the lesion included in the partial ostectomy?

Is this the correct code for this procedure

CPT 28288

Postoperative DX:
1) Hyperostosis, medical cuneiform, left toe
2) Fribromatous lesion, first metatarsocuneifomr joint

Procedure performed:
1) Excision of fibromatous lesion , 1st metatarsocuneiform joint, left foot
2) Partial ostectomy, medial cuneiform, left foot

Attetion was directed to the dorsum of the left foot where approximately a 5cm dorsolinear skin incision was made over the first metatarsocuneiform joint with #15 scalpel blade. the incision was deepened through sharp and blunt dissection taking care to preserve any neruovascular structures encountered. The extensor hallucis tendon was easily visualized at this time and getly retracted out of harms way. An incision was made within the joint capsule and the periosteum was reflected with a periosteal elevator down to the cortex of th hypertrophied bone. En rout to the capsulotomy, a white glistening fibrous mass was also identified measuring approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm indiameter and the lesion was dissected free of its soft tissue attachments and paased off for path analysis. Attention was directed back to the medical cuneiform which was found to be hypertrophied with lipping also observed at the base of the first medtatarsal dorsally. At this time utilizing a pneumatic saw, the redundatn tbone was resecteda and rasped smooth.

Thank You for the input

Daniel, CPC
What about CPT 28122. Per the note, he did a ostectomy of a tarsal bone so this code may fit better. I would check the CCI edits for bundling of the lesion excision.