Wiki EMRs and Scribes


Brooklyn, New York
Best answers
Has anyone had experience with Scribes. This seems to be a fast growing field particularly in Emergency Medicine. The scenario is usually an EMR is implemented, the prarice actually loses production due to the time it takes the docs to use the EMR and Scribes follow. It seems odd that supposed technology advances are creating manual jobs that have been around forever.
Just wondering what your experience has been.

Jim Strafford CEDC MCS-P
Hi Jim,

I work for a 9 provider ENT Surgical Practice here in Florida. We have been on an EMR for 4 years now. We utilze scribes. There are Medical Assistants who have been trained in Scribing for the MDs.
It was quite an adjustment for the practice, but seems to work well now.
It created alot of work in the beginning on training the Medical Assistants on why we need certain fields for Coding and E/M. but they have had great trainers and have done well