Wiki Encounter for preoperative examination.


Kansas City, MO
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Encounter for preoperative examination

Is it appropriate to code Z01.811 Encounter for pre-procedural respiratory examination and 99214. The office visit was for a pre-surgery exam on a child that is having dental surgery under sedation.
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Is it appropriate to code Z01.811 Encounter for pre-procedural respiratory examination and 99214. The office visit was for a pre-surgery exam on a child that is having dental surgery under sedation.

I would use Z01.818 Encounter for other preprocedural exam as the diagnosis. As for the level of service, that is determined by the key components (History, exam & MDM). It would definitely be inappropriate to code all pre-op/medical clearance exams at the same level of service as each patient is different.

This encounter would only be billable when performed by any other provider than the one performing the dental surgery. (It is a fairly common practice for pediatric oral surgeons to request medical clearance on a child prior to any procedures requiring the child be sedated.) Hope this helps.