Wiki Inpatient discharge diagnoses when there are 2 notes

Wahoo, NE
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When there are 2 notes for the same date by the same provider for inpatient discharge, one in the morning and one in the afternoon which is the actual discharge summary, and the diagnoses are slightly different for each, which ones should be coded?
Morning note says unstable angina and unspecified Afib.
Afternoon note (discharge summary) says chest pain and paroxysmal AFib.
Should I code from the discharge summary since it should be the most updated?
While querying the provider is probably the better answer, I don't think it would be wrong to code from the afternoon diagnoses as the provider likely had additional test results/information in the afternoon and it the most current information.
If there was an outright discrepancy like - left knee pain in the morning, and right knee pain in the afternoon, I would definitely query.