Wiki New to Radiology Coding


Dighton, MA
Best answers
Hello Everyone:

I just have a quick question, I hope. I was asked to help code for some radiology services 77062/TC, 77065/TC 76642/TC (and other codes as well)
To come up with a diagnosis code do you pull it from the radiology report? if so do you code from the Indication, Findings or Impression. Listed is an example of one report. This one seems to be not too complicated. But what happens when the findings are different then the impression? Sorry I hope I'm making sense.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Can anyone help and give some guidance?

Also, for Medicare can you not bill 77065 and 77062 together????

Thank you :)


INDICATION: cb dx lt mm/ us lt br focal asym

COMPARISON: No priors listed at this institution.


A targeted left breast ultrasound was performed at the 3:00 position the retroareolar breast tissue. This
demonstrates an anechoic 4 x 5 x 3 mm probable cyst. There is an adjacent 5 x 4 x 2 mm probable cyst.
Either of these may account for the mammographic finding.


There are two probable cysts within the retroareolar lateral left breast tissue which may account for the
mammographic finding. A six month follow-up left breast mammogram and ultrasound is recommended to
demonstrate stability.

BIRADS 3...Probably Benign Findings - Suggest Follow-Up
GM review the following
"two probable cysts within the retroareolar lateral left breast tissue" ICD 10 to review - n64.59, N64.89 or r92.2 and R92.8 breast coding
"77062/TC, 77065/TC 76642/TC" Mcare yes you can bill these together (We always bill these together) no problems so far
Hi M Fournier🦴
When coding radiology report code the diagnostic results from the report. Radiologist are physicians which have studied how to read and report the outcomes. But let s say the results are would use the physician' or provider's order the x-ray rationale of why he or she wanted the Xray or Ultrasounds completed . It is usually signs and symptoms or pain from dx block M79 or M25 or R07 Chest pain or Stomach problems K2, Etc. Somep payers on MRT xray will want to know if this same xray was done earlier.....use modifier PI initial done and if repeat MRT xray to check illness stage use modifier PS subsequent. Always add the referring physician
's name too on claim who ordered it. Check out dx. blocks of R91 to R93 which list abnormal xrays per body area if radiology results tell you that .
Umm for the above I d use dx D48.62 it is bit more specific but best to look at biopsy report details to code that info. Check out dx N63.22 if said just fatty lump in breast .Me I got the dx N64.81. LOL;)
Well I hope helped you a little bit
Lady T
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