Wiki NextGen Users Group Conference

Pam Warren

True Blue
Rye, NH
Best answers
Do any of you use NextGen Practice Management System and/or EMR?

NextGen is having their annual Users Group meeting in November, and I was wondering if any coders were going to be attending?
Actually, I really like it, but have to say that it's important to have a dedicated team of IS people in order to set it up correctly and make it work the way it was intended. Fortunately, we have such a team, and they do a great job with the templates. One of my concerns has always been compliance with the EMR record, and they've made some great improvements on the software. NextGen is listening, too. The 7.8 upgrade has a lot of enhancements, and the E&M coder now calculates based on MDM. I have to say, though, that we still spend a lot of time educating the providers on the elements of MDM, so that their documentation is spot-on.

Sorry to hear you can't attend. Those conferences are always excellent!