Wiki Provider Education/Training advice needed!


Waynesboro, PA
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Hi everyone!

I am really hoping to get some guidance on this topic. I worked for a large FQHC I recently became certified in April just accepted the official coding specialist position last week.. a position that has not been filled for over 2 years.. I have worked at the office level to billing and now this position so i am not new to the medical billing/coding world or interacting with the providers... I just want to prepare myself the best i can since they have not had someone to provide this training/education in quite awhile.
We use EPIC and our providers code everything on their own, our charge review staff at the offices just review the charges for minor errors. and Epic really does a lot for us as well with the claim edits.

With that being said now that we have a Coding specialist again one of the biggest priorities on our list is provider training and education... I am first going to start with our new providers coming in and then offer lunch and learn training sessions to each location targeted on their requests in the upcoming months..

Does any one have any suggestions that i could add to a orientation check list for the new providers?

has anyone found or made any MDM E/M coding tips sheets that you have found useful that are not too overwhelming for the providers understand?

Also i need to research and develop an audit tool based on the 2023 E/M guidelines... I have used codify's EM calculator feature when doing practice audits and really like that but my supervisor wants a hard copy as well and i just really am not a fan of using the official 2023 MDM Outpatient E/M Audit tool. i just feel that it is very crammed no space for notes...

Honestly at this point i will take ANY advice and tips that you can offer!

Thank you!!!
Hi everyone!

I am really hoping to get some guidance on this topic. I worked for a large FQHC I recently became certified in April just accepted the official coding specialist position last week.. a position that has not been filled for over 2 years.. I have worked at the office level to billing and now this position so i am not new to the medical billing/coding world or interacting with the providers... I just want to prepare myself the best i can since they have not had someone to provide this training/education in quite awhile.
We use EPIC and our providers code everything on their own, our charge review staff at the offices just review the charges for minor errors. and Epic really does a lot for us as well with the claim edits.

With that being said now that we have a Coding specialist again one of the biggest priorities on our list is provider training and education... I am first going to start with our new providers coming in and then offer lunch and learn training sessions to each location targeted on their requests in the upcoming months..

Does any one have any suggestions that i could add to a orientation check list for the new providers?

has anyone found or made any MDM E/M coding tips sheets that you have found useful that are not too overwhelming for the providers understand?

Also i need to research and develop an audit tool based on the 2023 E/M guidelines... I have used codify's EM calculator feature when doing practice audits and really like that but my supervisor wants a hard copy as well and i just really am not a fan of using the official 2023 MDM Outpatient E/M Audit tool. i just feel that it is very crammed no space for notes...

Honestly at this point i will take ANY advice and tips that you can offer!

Thank you!!!
i made a coding cheat sheet for my providers- i can send you it via email if you give me your email address