Wiki Reasons for attending Healthcon? Supervisor inquiry


Pueblo, CO
Best answers
In order to attend Healthcon my supervisor requires a statement on how my continued education will benefit the company. I would love to read others reasons for attending prior to submitting my application.
I have attended HealthCon for several years now, with full support from my employer. Here's why:

I am able to obtain the vast majority of my yearly CEUs at one conference, which allows me to maintain my employee-required certifications.

The training and education provided at HealthCon is at a national level: for me, it's far superior to the education I can receive via webinar, local chapter meetings or through a community college. The topics are timely, well-researched, well-developed and presented in a professional manner. This is high-quality education.

I have connected with vendors who provide supplies and services (at discounts) that have improved our operations.

Over the years, I have met other experienced coders from across the country who have graciously been available to me when I have had questions about specialties for which I have no expertise. That is probably the most valuable part of HealthCon--the connections made and assistance provided. Bring your business cards.

The Legal Trends session provides me with an outlook of our healthcare system that I otherwise would not be able to get. It's almost like having free legal opinions and a crystal ball at the same time.

During the meal sessions I sit with other coders and find out what those across the country are doing about issues that I struggle with every day. That support and camaraderie is incredibly important to me. I always get new and fresh perspectives. We cannot work in a silo, which is why national conferences are so important.

I've learned leadership skills through the sessions provided by AAPCCA that I was able to carry on into my work environment.

HealthCon is not just for coders....there are billers, practice managers, auditors, payers, contractors, physicians and consultants in attendance. The scope of this conference is huge, and the opportunity to chat and listen to their expertise gives a greater meaning to this healthcare business that we are all in. Knowledge is power.

Speaking of power, I sent one of my coding staff along with me to a conference. She learned about some coding guidance that uncovered several thousand dollars in missed revenue at our hospital. This paid for the conference many times over.

Finally, conference attendance is an opportunity to experience one of the most well-run and educational conferences I've ever had the pleasure to attend. I've gone to conferences with our software vendor, with MGMA, with contractors and with billing groups. HealthCon is a conference at the platinum level. And there's great value in getting away from the office, meeting like-minded individuals and learning new concepts that is simply good for the soul. It's money well spent.

Hope this helps. Somewhere on this website is a letter that you can copy and provide to your employer that discusses the benefits of conference attendance.
Thank you!!

Thank you Pam for your quick and expansive response!
Your response was more than I hoped for and has given me another track on what to look forward to at the conference. I think we tend to get caught up as coders on what is current now and what are our issues now that we forget to look ahead. I am now thinking about attending the Legal Trends session to focus on the future and not on just what "fires" do we need to put out today. Again thank you for taking the time to respond!!