Wiki Separately identifiable E/M


Escondido, CA
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Hello - I've posted a couple of questions regarding "separately identifiable E/M" codes but I have a specific example where the physician has submitted charges 99212-25, 46505, & J0585. The patient was scheduled for the procedue. Is the E/M separtely billable?

29-year-old man, who presents with anal fissure.

We had extensive discussion in the office today about the nature of the problem, differential diagnosis, and other possible reasons for patient's symptoms, as well as different treatment modalities, risks and benefits associated with them.

I gave the patient prescription for diltiazem and lidocaine ointment and advised to apply it twice a day to the perianal skin for 2 weeks. I will see patient back in my office in approximately 3 weeks to assess the response from the above-mentioned intervention. I also stressed the importance of avoiding constipation, as it may cause who recurrent fissure formation. I advised the patient to start high fiber diet and use fiber supplements as needed, to avoid constipation.

I briefly discussed Botox injection and lateral internal sphincterotomy, as the alternative options that may be utilized if the above-mentioned approach does not provide him with durable, satisfactory results.

Patient is comfortable with the above-mentioned plan.
If the procedure was scheduled previously and that is what the patient came in for, then the E/M service is separately billable. The only time that this would happen in this instance is if the patient came in for the procedure and was also evaluated for a problem that has nothing to do with the reason why the procedure is being performed.
Hi mshay134- thank you for your response. I'm apologize to ask you this, but do you mean in the 1st sentence that "the E/M services IS separately billable? I thought it was the opposite, that if the procedure is scheduled, then the procedure is only billable and if the patient brings up, oh let's say, a rash on his arm, then the E/M code and the procedure is billable.
Hi mshay134- thank you for your response. I'm apologize to ask you this, but do you mean in the 1st sentence that "the E/M services IS separately billable? I thought it was the opposite, that if the procedure is scheduled, then the procedure is only billable and if the patient brings up, oh let's say, a rash on his arm, then the E/M code and the procedure is billable.

I think you made an inadvertent error as well. The E&M is not sepRately billable if the procedure was previously scheduled and there is no separate issue being addressed.