Cardiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

33244 Is OK for Laser Lead Removal

Question: Does a distinct code for ICD lead extraction by laser exist, or should I use 33244?

Kentucky Subscriber

Answer: The appropriate code for lead extraction by laser -- or any lead extraction through a vein -- is 33244 (Removal of a single or dual chamber pacing cardioverter-defibrillator electrode[s]; by transvenous extraction). You should not use a different code simply because the physician uses a laser for removal.

Term tip: "Electrodes" (the term used in the 33244 descriptor) and "leads" are synonymous, according to CPT guidelines.

You Be the Coder and Reader Questions prepared with the assistance of Jim Collins, CCC, CPC, ACS-CA, CHCC, president of CardiologyCoder.Com.

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