Cardiology Coding Alert

Readers Questions:

Count Follow-Up Groin Checks as Part of E/M

Question: Our physicians do follow-up groin checks in the office after cardiac catheterization. Are these appropriate, and how should I code a "normal" diagnosis?
North Carolina Subscriber

Answer: Typically, practices do not bill separately for follow-up groin checks. Usually, the cardiologist provides this service as part of a more extensive E/M service, so you would bill the appropriate E/M code, such as 99213 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient ...) for a low-complexity problem visit.
Moreover, you would not append modifier 24 (Unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician during a postoperative period) because this service would not fall under the global period for catheterizations and interventions, which ends on the day of service.

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