Cardiology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

37202 for Nitroglycerin Injections?

Question: Can I charge for nitroglycerin injections x 2 when performing a right posterior tibial angioplasty and right peroneal angioplasty? If so, which codes do I use for the full service?

Codify Member

Answer:You should not code separately for nitroglycerin injections during catheter services. The injections are a usual part of the procedure and should not be reported with their own codes.

Caution: Some coders are tempted to report 37202 (Transcatheter therapy, infusion other than for thrombolysis, any type [e.g., spasmolytic, vasoconstrictive]) for these nitroglycerin bolus injections. But you should reserve 37202 for "prolonged infusions into peripheral arteries," according to CPT® Assistant (April 1998).

For the right posterior tibial and right peroneal angioplasty, report 37228 (Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, tibial, peroneal artery, unilateral, initial vessel; with transluminal angioplasty) for one vessel and +37232 (Revascularization, endovascular, open or percutaneous, tibial/peroneal artery, unilateral, each additional vessel; with transluminal angioplasty [List separately in addition to code for primary procedure]) for the second vessel.

For coding purposes, CPT® counts the posterior tibial and the peroneal as separate vessels in the same vascular territory. So you may report each intervention in this case separately.