Eli's Hospice Insider

Hospice News:

MAC Shares Non-Cancer LOS Stats

Check out whether your length of stay numbers are making you stick out like a sore thumb to reviewers and authorities by consulting Palmetto GBA’s new Non-Cancer LOS comparative billing report.

You can look up “the percentage of your beneficiaries with a length of stay greater than 210 days and a primary diagnosis code billed on the hospice claims within the ICD-10-CM Category compared to all your beneficiaries within the same category,” Palmetto explains. The report will show you your percentage versus the regional percentage versus the entire Jurisdiction M percentage.

The highest NCLOS rate averaged over all 16 states in the jurisdiction, 30 percent, is for Diseases of the Nervous System, Palmetto notes on its website.

Do this: The report “is intended to be proactive communication that will assist you in identifying potential billing issues and help you with performing a self-audit of your conformity with Medicare guidelines,” Palmetto says. More information, including how to access your report, is on Palmetto’s eCBR webpage.

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