Ob-Gyn Coding Alert


Simplify Coding for Egg Donor Screenings

Question: We have a patient who is going to be an egg donor. Today, we ran labs on her to clear her for this. We are running sexually transmitted disease (STD) tests. What diagnosis should I use?

Illinois Subscriber

Answer: Code V59.7x (Donors; egg [oocyte] [ovum]) is appropriate to use for egg donors. You should choose your fourth digit depending on the patient's age and whether she is a designated donor (in other words, the parents know who she is) or an anonymous donor. You should also report the STD screening code V74.5 (Special screening examination for bacterial and spirochetal diseases; venereal disease).
Or if your ob-gyn performs a physical exam on the donor, you would use V70.8 (Other specified general medical examinations).

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