Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Use Web to Get ICD-9 Help

Question: In our office, we strive to have the most accurate ICD-9 codes each time we send out a claim. Unfortunately, sometimes we have diagnosis coding questions that seem unanswerable, at least among the coders in the office. Are there any resources we can consult when an ICD-9 question is too tough to solve in-office?

Kentucky Subscriber
Answer: You can find ob-specific diagnosis coding helpers through the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The ACOG offers a variety of coding publications for ob-gyns, including ICD-9-CM Diagnostic Coding in Ob-Gyn. For ordering information, visit http://www.acog.org/.

You can also consult several resources on the Internet if you have diagnosis coding queries. Here is a list of those Web sites. Keep it handy in case you or anyone else in the office ever has a question about or a problem with diagnosis coding.

Web Sites of Note
ICD-9 CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee:
Information Resource Products:
Official ICD-9-CM coding guidelines:
List of ICD-9-CM codes:

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Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

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