Ob-Gyn Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Solve This Vaginoperioneoplasty Scenario

Question: What’s the best way to code the vaginoperioneoplasty portion of this procedure: 


Shortened vaginal outlet secondary to vaginal scarring from second degree laceration after delivery and also 9 cm uterus.


The patient was taken to the operating room where she was properly identified as herself.  Appropriate timeout was performed. The patient was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion in a dorsal lithotomy position. The patient was examined under anesthesia and found to have a small anteverted uterus but also abnormally shortened vaginal outlet. The posterior fourchette of the vagina was incised via a diamond incision drawing from bilateral ends of the vulva down to the perineum and this was also extended internally into the vagina.  Once this tissue was removed, the incision was closed anteriorly to posteriorly with good hemostasis noted throughout. There was Pitressin and lidocaine used during the procedure to help and control vaginal bleeding.  Approximately 10 cc of the solution was used. Once the vagina was noted to be of normal caliber, the IUD was taken and placed into the uterus uneventfully.  The patient was sounded to 9 cm and the strings were cut to approximately 3 cm in length. The speculum was removed from the vagina and again a second look at the perineum was noted to be hemostatic.  At this point, the procedure was terminated. 

Washington Subscriber

Answer: You should report 56800 (Plastic repair of introitus) because he is repairing the vaginal outlet. Also, your secondary code will be the IUD insertion, 58300 (Insertion of the intrauterine device [IUD]).
Your diagnosis code will include V25.11 (Encounter for insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device). Also, since the repair was required due to a late effect of the perineal laceration, you will report a 664.14 (Second-degree perineal laceration during delivery, postpartum), and a secondary diagnosis of 677 (Late effect of complication of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium). You may report an obstetric postpartum complication beyond the 6 weeks postpartum period according to the ICD-9 guidelines. 
ICD-10: When your diagnosis system changes, V25.11 will become Z30.430 (Encounter for insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device). ICD-10 refers to late effects as sequela, so the code replacement for 677 would be O94 (Sequelae of complication of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium). The code 664.14 will become O70.1 (Second degree perineal laceration during delivery).

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