Eli's Rehab Report

Reader Questions:

Dig Deeper for Baclofen J Code

Question: My documentation states, "Baclofen in 20 cc PF 0.9% saline concentration - Baclofen 2500 mcg/ml in 20 cc preservative-free 0.9% saline." Should I report J0475 x 5 units? Or should this be J3490?

Illinois Subscriber

Answer: You probably have a compounded preparation of Baclofen (Lioresal), because the strength of 2500 mcg/ml isn't commercially available. The following is the available commercial preparations of Baclofen: Lioresal intrathecal (Baclofen injection) is available in single-use ampules of 10 mg/20 ml (500 mcg/ml) or 10 mg/5 ml (2000 mcg/ml) packaged in a Refill Kit for intrathecal administration.

For screening, lioresal intrathecal is available in a single-use ampule of 0.05 mg/1 ml. Therefore, you should use J3490 (Unclassified drugs) for the compounded preparation.

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