Primary lung carcinoma resection report documents pt category, pn category and for non-small cell lung cancer, histologic type (e.g., squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and not nsclc-nos)
Documentation of medical reason for not including pt category, pn category and histologic type [for patient with appropriate exclusion criteria (e.g., metastatic disease, benign tumors, malignant tumors other than carcinomas, inadequate surgical specimens)]
Specimen site other than anatomic location of lung, is not classified as non-small cell lung cancer or classified as NSCLC-NOS
Primary lung carcinoma resection report does not document pt category, pn category and for non-small cell lung cancer, histologic type (e.g., squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma)
Improvement in median time from ED arrival to initial ED oral or parenteral pain medication administration performed for ED admitted patients
Improvement in median time from ED arrival to initial ED oral or parenteral pain medication administration not performed for ED admitted patients
Pathology report includes the pt category, thickness, ulceration and mitotic rate, peripheral and deep margin status and presence or absence of microsatellitosis for invasive tumors
Documentation of medical reason(s) for not including pt category, thickness, ulceration and mitotic rate, peripheral and deep margin status and presence or absence of microsatellitosis for invasive tumors (e.g., negative skin biopsies, insufficient tissue, or other documented medical reasons)
Specimen site other than anatomic cutaneous location
Pathology report does not include the pt category, thickness, ulceration and mitotic rate, peripheral and deep margin status and presence or absence of microsatellitosis for invasive tumors