
  1. K

    Wiki Anesthesia coding/billing for POS 11

    How/can I bill for anesthesia services done at POS 11 in office? For example, CRNA administered anesthesia for a kyphoplasty case that was in office. Is there a modifier that should be billed besides the QZ?
  2. S

    Wiki Charging Medicaid Pts for Chiro visits exceeding the coverage limit?

    In California, there is a twice monthly limit on covered benefits for Chiro. If a Medi-Cal (Medicaid) Pt wants additional visits of the sort, are we allowed to chage them? I know that we can charge for uncovered benefits and we frequently do, in dental, particularly. But these are covered...
  3. K

    Wiki possible limits on billing 96127 emotional/behavioral assessments

    My new boss says that we can only bill for these assessments once per patient. I see that we are allowed only 2 units on a claim but I can't see anywhere where it says bill only once per patient. Anybody out there have any other info on this?
  4. K

    Wiki vaccine counseling documentation

    Can anyone tell me if this documentation is sufficient for billing 90460 imm admin w/ counseling? HIB vaccine 90648 Counseling by: providers name MD It doesn't seem sufficient to me but the people I work with feel it is.
  5. K

    Wiki Correct coding/billing of a CDL physical

    I have a new job at a clinic where they are coding CDL physicals as a sick visit -99214- with the dx of Z02.4 and billing it to the patients insurance and most of our contracted insurances are paying for them. They also have patients who come in for a pre-travel visit when they are going out of...
  6. K

    Wiki Vaccine Documentaion Question

    I have recently started a new job at a clinic in Washington state. At this clinic they do not document any of the shots they give to children because they document them online at the Washington state immunization registry. They say that is sufficient documentation to bill out the shots because...
  7. A

    Wiki How to code for a nerve that was buried under Depuytren contracture of the right hand

    Our surgeon performed the following procedures. I need help coding the nerve attachment. He thinks code 64787 should be used, but this is an add-on code. I have 26123, & 26525. I need help, can anyone help me with this?? POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: 1. Right palm and small finger Dupuytren's...
  8. R

    Wiki Looking for FT person experienced in follow up and appeals in Tucson, AZ

    Our office is in search of someone knowledgeable in insurance billing follow up and the appeals process that is able to work Fulltime. The physician group is great and we are growing, adding 2 new physicians by the end of the year. Reimbursement is very competitive and the work environment is...
  9. K

    Wiki Office Based Surgery Billing/Reimbursement

    Hello All! Does anyone have any information on office based surgery billing/actually have a surgical suite in your office? We are researching the possibility of opening a suite in office for our pain management/spine doctors to perform level II surgeries. I have a few questions: Do you still...