
  1. S

    Wiki Endoscopic Placement/Advancement of Capsules

    Hello, I am interested to hear how other coders are addressing this sticky area. We own the capsules, so when swallowed in office we bill global. However, in some instances our physicians have elected to place them endoscopically. So we have billed 43235 - 52(if the scope is not advanced to the...
  2. R

    Wiki Any help with coding this procedure would be appreciated.

    PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Right axillary exploration and capsulectomy. OPERATIVE FINDINGS: The patient had a well-defined seroma capsule extending from the lateral border of the pectoralis along the chest wall and up into the apex of the axilla. DETAILS OF PROCEDURE...
  3. P

    Wiki Help with billing Capsule Endoscopy

    Hello fellow AAPC members. We had to let our biller go a few weeks ago and have been struggling to pick up where she left off. I have to bill the following and I am not sure how to prepare the claim. 1. a Capsule Endoscopy done in the hospital - Professional fee only. 2. A Capsule Endoscopy...
  4. J

    Wiki heterotopic ossification hip and capsule

    this is an open procedure....nothing real good...looking at unlisted 27299 compare to 27065? Prior total hip replacement, dissection between the gluteus medius and below gluteus minimus and the hip capsule Y ligament significant ossific calcification and heterotopic bone and was verify...
  5. L

    Wiki Capsule Endoscopy Coding Question

    I am a coder for pediatric gastroenterolgy. My doctor just did a capsule endoscopy using the Pillcam. Normally, the patient swallows the pill; however, in this instance, the patient would not swallow the pill and the physician placed it during an EGD. My thinking is that I will code the EGD...