
  1. P

    Wiki CKD likely due to HTN

    Dear all, Physician has documented under outpatient record’s assessment as, “CKD likely due to HTN”. I am doubtful as whether to code this HTN as I12.9 or I10. I know that there is a presumptive causal linkage between CKD and HTN, however, here physician is not sure if the CKD is related to HTN...
  2. A

    Wiki Etiology and manifestation

    If we don't know the etiology of the manifestation, is it still appropriate to bill with the manifestation? My doctors are having issues with dementia patients. f03.91/f03.92 is unspecified and shouldn't be used, signs and symptoms are appropriate to use if there is no definitive dx. But if...
  3. A

    Wiki icd10 code F05

    Provider documented 'patient is acutely delirious, etiology unclear'. ICD10 code is F05, delirium, unknown etiology. Tabular section of ICD10 instructs to code first the underlying physiological condition. At this time, condition is unknown. What do I use for the primary diagnosis? I think...