
  1. D

    Wiki 0295T Reimbursement

    Can anyone tell me what the average payment they are seeing for the category III codes 0295T, 0296T, and 0298T? These are codes our cardiologist are adding to their services and I would like to check on reimbursement for them. Thank you, Dee
  2. L

    Wiki 93225 help!

    Our cardiologist normally bills for 93225 and 93227 and Cardionet bills 93226, as I understand. We do not own the Holter monitors and I am being questioned as to whether we should be billing for 93225 because the code states that it includes recording. Can we bill for 93225 when we do NOT own...
  3. S

    Wiki Event monitor question

    one of our doctor's is asking us if we need a daily report for event monitors or is one report with a summary and conclusion enough?