
  1. A

    Wiki Melanoma of Chest Wall-- CPT 11603

    A 3cm incision was created overlying the palpable soft tissue mass in the anterior chest wall. Dissection was carried down through the subcutaneous fat using electrocautery. The mass was circumferentially dissected free from the subcutaneous fat and the posterior aspect was densely adherent to...
  2. C

    Wiki Urostym

    We were approached by a representative with Laborie regarding a device called Urostym. He stated if we had our own Urostym device and equipment we could bill for pelvic muscle rehab in our office. We were informed an RN or even an MA could perform the muscle rehab with the Urostym equipment...
  3. K

    Wiki CPT code for facial repairs of muscles

    Hi all. I recently started coding for a plastic surgeon who does a lot of facial repairs after trauma. A lot of these repairs including suturing one or more muscles. Would you use the complex integumentary repair codes for these? Thank you!:confused:
  4. S

    Wiki Removal of brachytherapy

    Could you please advise me on correct code selection for diagnosis and procedures, i am so confused. PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: 1. Ciliochoroidal malignant melanoma with retinal invasion right eye, status post radioactive iodine brachytherapy plaque placement 1 week ago, right eye 2...
  5. N

    Wiki what code for muscle spasm of neck

    which code would you use for: 1) muscle spasm of neck M62.838 other muscle spasm m62.48 contracture of muscle , other site 2) suprapubic abdominal pain be? R10.2 thanks much appreciated
  6. J

    Wiki Trigger Point Injections specificity

    Is it necessary to list the specific names of the muscles injected, or can I bill based on the area of the muscle- for example, "Bilateral C2-3 paraspinous (1 cc x 2 injections), bilateral C6-7 paraspinous (3 cc x 2 injections), bilateral C7-T1 paraspinous (3 cc x 2 injections), bilateral T2-3...
  7. N

    Wiki 64718 ?

    Hi, just needed to know if the findings of anconeus epitrochlearis is included with the CPT 64718. He states that he excised the muscle to release the nerve. He states that there was fibrous bands of the muscle crossing the nerve. If it is not included what would be the additional CPT for this...
  8. K

    Wiki Psoas Hematoma

    Hello forum, I'm having difficulty assigning an ICD-10 code to psoas hematoma. When I go to hematoma ---> muscle, it directs me to go to site under contusion. What site is psoas muscle considered? Appreciate any help!
  9. M

    Wiki HELP PCP keeps doing Trigger Point Injections and feels ORTHO codes same way

    Will someone who codes ortho please help me... I'm in serious need of direction for steroid injections that are given in the office. One of the PCP continues to give injections that fall under trigger point injection rules and doesn't understand that he must document the muscle group where...
  10. C

    Wiki Laceration Repair-considered a layered

    Would this be considered a layered closure (12053) I anesthetized the area with a local infiltration of 4ml of warmed 2% lidocaine with epi. Excellent anesthesia was obtained. The wound was the cleansed and irrigated and explored with no foreign body present. There was no deep structure...
  11. M

    Wiki 20200 v. 20205

    Looking for opinions on the difference between 20200 (Biopsy, muscle; superficial) and 20205 (Biopsy, muscle; deep). Do the words "superficial" and "deep" which are integral parts of the code definition refer to the muscle (i.e. biopsy of a superficial muscle like the gastocnemius or a deep...
  12. C

    Wiki 64614 coding help needed

    This code for chemodenervation is used when giving Botox for dx such as contractures. When this is given to all limbs, my interpretation of the CPT is that this can only be billed for a quantity of 1, since the description includes muscle(s). Is that your interpretation, too? Also, the...