no surprise billing act

  1. M

    Wiki No Surprises Act good faith estimate for walk-ins

    From what I understand, as an FQHC we have to provide our self pay patients an estimate at least one day before their service, but we often get walk-ins and same day appointments. How are we supposed to abide by this law when we have patients coming in the same day the appointment is scheduled...
  2. V

    Wiki Colonoscopy after a positive stool test.

    According to The No Surprise Act any colonoscopy done after a positive result from a stool-based screening test will be prevented under new federal rules. Insurance plans are required to implement the new USPFTF screening benefit for those 45 and older for plan or policy years beginning May 31...
  3. P

    Wiki Good Faith Estimates

    Are any billing companies providing Good Faith Estimates for their clients? If so, are you including them in your regular services or providing at an additional charge? Than you!