oral surgeon

  1. N

    Wiki Oral Biopsies (20220, 20225, 20240, 20245)

    Does anyone have guidance when billing oral biopsies provided by an Oral Surgeon? What code are you using for Bone biopsy of the mandible? The image below is from EncoderPro and linked to 20240 CPT. Could the term "elsewhere" in the description be interpreted and used for the mandible? Does...
  2. S

    Wiki Dental claims-Medicare & E&Ms

    I have a oral surgeon specialist, can they bill E&Ms to Medicare when a covered or non-covered procedure is being done?
  3. J

    Wiki Non-oral surgeon billing CDT codes

    I work with a head and neck oncology surgeon. He performs procedures best described by Current Dental Terminology codes when removing portions of the jaw for tumors. Should a non-oral surgeon bill CDT codes? Will Medicare reimburse D codes (if medically necessary, of course) billed by a surgeon...