
  1. J

    Wiki Can a Ridge leg cast be applied during Global period? if so what would be the appropriate modifier? or is the casting included in the postop/ global.

    Hello, I need some help. Pt had surgery this month and still within the global period, provided applies a Ridge leg cast on the sx site And toenail debridement noted for the RT foot. Would a modifier be needed for the ridge leg cast? Or is that casting within the global? He document a new total...
  2. R

    Wiki Post op Modifiers

    If you have a post op cortisone injection (for the same body part as surgery) is modifier 58 the best selection? If so, do payers have specific policies for modifier 58? In the same sense, modifier 79 (unrelated) as well?
  3. M

    Wiki Postop visit w/ strapping change

    Is there any possiblities of biil for paymnet on a postop visit for the strapping only. Patient return to Dr. office within postop days and Dr. changes patients strapping. Billing E&M CPT99024 any possibites of a modifier to the strapping CPT. Thanks of your feed back