texas medicaid

  1. S

    Wiki How do I determine E/M level for prenatal visits for Texas Medicaid

    Texas requires us to bill "the most appropriate level E/M" for prenatal visits. How do I determine the level of E/M though? Do I use the 3 key components (history, exam and MDM)? My company audits on 1997 guidelines, but with an prenatal visit, there is no "real" physical exam, other than...
  2. A

    Wiki Cook Children's (Texas medicaid) 87804 issues

    Good Afternoon All, My office is having a struggle with Getting cooks to pay both Test A and B. I call and they advise they can't tell us how to bill it because they don't guarantee payment. Has anyone had this issue with this specific Payer? What was your solution? This is how we bill...