Wiki 19342 vs. 11970


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which is more appropriate for this procedure: "...and the tissue expander was deflated and removed. After the areola was freed up from the surrounding skin, it was possible to mobilize it medially, and this was carried out, bringing it about 3 cm medially from its previous position both by advancing the latissimus medially and by revising the skin. Latissmus advancement was maintained with 3-0 Vicryl sutures to the underlying implant capsule. The new implant was placed. This was a 325-cc smooth-surface silicone gel Mentor moderate profile implant. The capsule was then closed over with figure-of-eight sutures. Medial advancement of the areola was maintained with 3-0 Vicryl inverted dermal sutures, and skin was trimmed around the areola site in order to accomodate it properly. Further 3-0 Vicryl inverted sutures were used to close the medial and lateral extensions of the incision. This was then reinforced with 2-0 PDO Quill running subsubcuticular suture around the areola and laterally and 3-0 Prolene running subcuticular in the medial extension.
There is a CPT Assistant which indicates use of 19342 may be appropriate (with appropriate documentation) when considerable capsular adjustments are made to allow for proper placement of the prosthesis.

Hope this Helps,