Wiki 2013 emg coding changes

Milwaukee, WI
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Hi, the 2013 EMG coding changes has made it necessary for me to reprice our charges for our EMG-NCV studies. I have the Medicare Fee Schedule, but I'd like to know a little bit more about how to set "fair and reasonable" charges for these new codes for my commercial insurance billing. Does anyone have a good resource for me? I'd also like to know if there is a way to compare with other local Neurologists. Thank you so much, Michele
This is what I did for my practice I looked at our workmen's comp fee schedule and based it off of there. I did get my local bc fee schedule too so I can compare also. My goal was to make sure I captured the highest fee schedule so my provider was not out any more money!!

Hope that helps!!

Katie Werner, CPC, CPMA
I took the average of what we were charging before (b/w 95900-95904) and multiplied it by the number of units (the higher in the range) to get the full charge for the new codes. My strategy is to bill about 200% of the 2012 medicare allowable, and that formula pretty much brings it to that.