Wiki 25505 - both arms and pre and post x-rays


Tucson, AZ
Best answers
Hi all!

I work in an urgent care and we have an ortho on call.......we haven't had too many ortho patients to this extent. We have a patient that came in with 2 broken arms and the ortho charted 25505 on both arms. Do I code this as 25505 RT and another line item for 25505 LT or code it 25505 50? The payer is Health Net. Also we performed pre and post procedural x-rays. Do I code them as 73100 rt, lt for the first and 73100 rt, lt, 76. Or Most of my payers seem to want it on a separate line item for the the x-rays if they are bilateral. I know I have the right codes just not sure about the modifiers. And if they really need separate line entries.

Any help is appreciated!!
Both arms fractured

25505 has an MUE of "1". So you would need to bill that on one line with 2 units.

The X-rays were usually split out and bill with -RT & LT modifiers. You can use the -76 for the post reduction X-rays.