Wiki 59,51

Ok here is how I teach it to my students:
In short language 59 says "pay me because I am a different procedure"
51 says "reduce me because I was done in the same session"
you always want the modifier first that affect your reimburse ment the most in your favor, so "pay me" before "reduce me".
I just listened to a Webinar on Modifiers by our local Medicare and the way they implied it, was that the 51 modifier was not needed with the 59. They say that the system would add the 51 modifier if needed. You might want to check with the carrier to see if they require a 51 or if they will automatically apply this. Just a thought. :)

Jodi Dibble, CPC
It is true that many carriers now no longer want the 51 and have deleted it out of the electronic edits, so what that means is the presence of the 51 can cause a claim to deny as it is not recognized. So yes check with the carrier first.
In my state, Massachusetts, Medicaid (Masshealth) does not even recognize the 59 modifier. So we always have to use the 51, which they recognize.