Wiki 69436


Cookeville, TN
Best answers
Has anyone found that Amerigroup has started denying 69436 with the bilateral modifier? It began a few months ago. I resubmitted with 69436:LT on line one and 69436:RT and denied, then added-59 to the second line. I even tried 69436 and billing 2 units instead of one. Amerigroup paid with the two lines and modifiers (lt, rt, 59), but at a lower rate than what was once paid for the 69436:50 rate. Sometimes, claims are paid for the 69436:50, but other times, they are denied. I contacted the insurance, but all they say is that they cannot tell us how to bill and the representative provided no direction on how to bill either and never explained why there was a problem. Anyone else experience this? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, dEb