Wiki 80100 vs 80101


Phoenix, AZ
Best answers
What are the main differences between these 2 codes? I am researching how one would over ride the second one?

Lets say you have a drug screen with multiple classes would it be best to use 80100 or 80101 x classes?

What is the correct coding guideline for this situation?
You'll need to look at what they are screening and how to determine the proper use of these codes.

80100 is 'the big picture' overview...the specimen is being tested for multiple drug classes. This could be used in examples of drug screening - you might suspect drugs, but no way to tell exactly what, so you have to screen for drugs in general. There are more technical terms (stationary phase versus mobile phase) that come into play, but this gives you the general overview.

80101 is used when you are screening for a specific drug class. This is used when you already suspect a specific drug (i.e. patient known to use opiates) and you just need to screen for a particular drug class.