Wiki 90801 time


Merrill, WI
Best answers
Can anyone tell me where I can find a reference that indicates a 90801 is typically 60 minutes long? I realize CPT does not have a time on it, but I know it is an industry standard.
To my knowledge, there is no industry standard on the time. To judge whether the code is appropriate, time is not a factor. It is the type of service provided to the patient and the content of the record that support 90801.

What are your specific issues related to time and this code?
I realize you code off notes, etc and the notes do support a 90801. But the question was if it would be appropriate for a provider to schedule this in a 30 minute time slot? My vote is no, when compared to all other providers and the "typical", it should take closer to an hour to complete this.
From the notes that I have seen for 90801, it would take more like an hour and not 30 minutes. For 90801 I would schedule no less than 60 minutes for this encounter.
Go to the Trailblazer website and the CMS website there are LCD's that state it is 45 minutes or more usually. But, if you read the CPT Handbook for Psychiatrists page 10 it states that it is similar in work effort to the level III initial hospital care code. Medicare will allow either 90801 or 99223. Hope this helps!